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Our Mission is a Healthy Community

5th Avenue Pharmacy & Gift is located in rural Northeast Montana and our objective is simple: improve the health of our regional community.


We accomplish this goal by having a wide variety of services offered and are always easily accessible to answer your questions, as well as fill all your of medications. We are connected to and owned by Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital, which is a voluntary, non-profit corporation. 


Fun Fact: We are located in the official "Middle of Nowhere" as proclaimed by The Washington Post. They calculated that Glasgow is the furthest distance from the nearest metropolitan area in America.


To learn more about our pharmacy or if you have questions, please give us a call at (406)228-3693.

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Our Pharmacists.

At 5th Avenue Pharmacy & Gift, we have pharmacists who are dedicated to our patients' health and well-being. They are all knowledgeable in both prescription and over the counter medications. Feel free to ask for their help in answering questions regarding your medications.


Fun fact, all of our pharmacists grew up in Northeastern Montana and graduated pharmacy school from the University of Montana! 



I promise to devote myself to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of pharmacy. In fulfilling this vow:

I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns.

I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for my patients. 

I will respect and protect all personal and health information entrusted to me. 

I will accept the lifelong obligation to improve my professional knowledge and competence. 

I will hold myself and my colleagues to the highest principle our profession's moral, ethical and legal conduct. 

I will embrace and advocate changes that improves patient care. 
I will utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists. 

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.

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